Summer Day Camp Emergency Contact Form (Ages 3-5)

Child's Last Name Child's First Name Age
Home Phone Number - - Birth Date(mm/dd/yyyy) Male/Female
Home Address City Zip/State

  N/A   N/A
Father's Last Name Mother's Last Name
Father's First Name Mother's First Name
Address(if different from child's address) Address(if different from child's address)
City City
Zip Zip
State State
Phone Number - - Phone Number - -
Additional Phone Number - - Additional Phone Number - -
Employer Employer

Emergency Contact

Last Name Address
First Name City
Phone Number - - Zip
Additional Phone Number - - State

Additional Persons Authorized to Pick Up the Child

In addition to my child's legal guardians and emergency contact listed above, I hereby authorize Powersports to allow my child to leave ONLY with the following persons. Name and telephone number are needed for each. Children will only be released to a parent or person designated by the parent/guardian after verification of ID.
Last Name First Name Phone Number --

Optional: I hereby give my consent for my child to be released to the following siblings who are under 18 years.
Name of Sibling(s)

Medical Information

List any medical problems that your child may have, such as allergies, exiting illnesses, previous serious illness, injuries, any medication prescribed for long-term continuous use, and any other information which caregivers should be aware of:

Authorization for Emergency Medical Attention Agreement

In the event that I cannot make arrangements for emergency medical care, I authorize the person in charge to take my child to:

Immunization Agreement

I understand that I must have a current shot record and a current health release statement on file before my child can attend preschool.

Discipline Agreement

I have read and understand the Student Discipline Guidelines and agree to follow them in accordance to the parent handbook.

Acknowledgment of Handbook

By signing my name, I agree that I have read in full the Powersports Jump 2 Learning policies and procedures and will abide by them.

Health Statement Agreement

My child is going to be seen by a childcare physician in the next 12 months.

Also, my signature verifies receipt of the Discipline and Guidance Policies and permits Powersports to obtain emergency medical treatment if needed. All agreements may be found in the Jump 2 Learning/Friday Play Day Handbook.

Date: 02/08/2025
By signing here I verify all information in this form is correct and agree to all Powersports policies and procedures.

Once your form is submitted, you must call Powersports to complete your registration